Sunday, December 2, 2007

Mc Donald and Satanism

I have known that Mc Donalds was a very evil corporation since my early teenage years...It doesn't take a genius to figure that one out. Having being a vegetarian on and off for years, it was clear that Mc Donalds among many others were the problem here. Although I rather rarely eat meat and go for vegetarian meals faster than I go for meatful ones, I now do not consider myself to be a vegetarian but if I am going to eat meat, I much rather get local organic meats from friendly humble farms. A place where the animals are treated right, have land and are not thrown in small cages with hundreds of other animals and suffer in their dung until their deaths.

This corporation is polluting the earth as well as the minds and bodies of millions of people every year with nothing but lucrative motives by selling the people nothing but poison...And I mean nothing but true poison. But why would they not sell good, organic foods? The people will pay more for it! That would mean more money for them right? First, there is the fact that they would obviously have to pay more for the food but they would charge twice or thrice the price so what's the problem? It goes deeper...There is a doctrine behind this and although money is one of the main targets here, there is not only that but a goal for the population...They are literally keeping the world sick and unhealthy, not only their bodies but their minds are affected by these poisonous foods they are selling at very affordable prizes.

For the past few years I have been suspecting without doubt that Mc Donalds was Satanic in principles and esoteric(hidden) doctrine because of the nature of their doings(Ye shall know them by their fruits...), and what I mean by that is that it's not just the money...And when it's not just the money, I smell something fishy...Mc Fishy. A grand plan to keep people sick is obviously at hand and it is impossible to deny it and that's where I am getting at. By keeping the world sick, they are contributing to the dumbing down of the nations and "population control", a plan that has been High level Masonic for ages. How can absolute power craving high elites(in Rome I might add) control the world(which has always been their plan and will never change) if the people are in good physical and mental health? It makes things very complicated for them because people are able to think straight and sort out garbage that they are feeding us weather it be through their media, pharmaceuticals/hospitals, schools and food supplies...So they have corporations there like Mc Donalds, Wendy's, KFC, etc, etc. to keep us sick...And when we are sick, we go to the hospital and they prescribe us drugs that will cost us money and when we take the drugs, one way or another, we get sicker because all pharmaceutical chemical drugs are poisons.

When you look at the head of big corps such as Wendy's or Mc Donalds, you will always find a high level Mason(formerly called the Papal Knights Templar and if you have done your homework, you know that it is a Luciferian cult), high level Papal Knight of Malta(formerly called the Papal Knights HOSPITALers) or a high level Papal Knight of Columbus! All who work directly for the Vatican at the top and answer to the Supreme Jesuit General. These are all secret societies and there is no need for secrets in our society...What are these people hiding?

Well, oddly enough, when you look at all the heads of Pharmacies, Hospitals, the FDA(Food and Drug Administration) and AMA(American Medical Association-composed by Hitler's intelligence when formed in 1947 through Project Paper Clip), etc, you find the same thing! Secret Knights and Masons! The same goes for the big bankers! These secret societies are brotherhoods which means they all take secret oaths to protect and help one another in the entire world.

So lets go over it once more, you've got Mc Donalds and friends keeping you sick, targeting children and promoting the Olympic games which keeps sports fans glued to their T.V and not thinking...You get clogged arteries and what have you and you go to the hospital and get drugs from the Pharmacies, contributing economically on both sides to the Federal Reserve Bank i.e the Vatican Bank holding our Gold and Silver while printing us dishonest worthless paper. These people are all helping each other out by all contributing to the destruction of the populous and all of this for the benefit of who? All roads DO lead to Rome...

Coming back to Mc Donalds...Because of all that, it was obvious to me that Mc Donalds at the top was started by Masons one way or another which is a higher(more subtle at the lower levels) form of Satanism. It became even more obvious when I stumbled upon this picture of Mc Donald CEOs:

For those who think they are saying "I Love You", slap yourselves and wake up from your dreams and fantasies...

But I was drop kicked square in the teeth when I found this picture on a Mc Donald's bag here in Canada whch I had to take a picture of!

Isn't that beautiful?

After seeing that bag, I decided to make a little research on the foundation of Mc Donald.

I found to my amazement and yet not suprized that Ray Kroc, founder of Mc Donald, admitted being a satanist on the 1970's talk television show "The Mike Douglas Show"!

And here's to my point of this article...Another great article on the matter:

There's a little Mc Donalds in everyone.

Sunday, March 18, 2007


Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Kennedy Speach against Secrecy

President John F. Kennedy Speech against Secret Societies

Jesuit Infiltration-Alberto Rivera Speaks


The Widow Of Former Jesuit Priest, Fr. Alberto Rivera, Said The Vatican And Jesuit Order

Killed Her Husband, Then Wanted To Dig Up His Bones, Taking Them Back To the Vatican.

Nury Rivera tells Americans how her husband was persecuted and killed for trying to tell Vatican secrets

about how they infiltrate churches and the U.S. government. She also tells how she has been harassed,

attacked and her life threatened by agents of the Vatican and Jesuit Order.

By Greg Szymanski
20 Feb 2007

Nury Rivera came forward with conviction and courage Monday on international radio,

saying her husband was assassinated by the evil Jesuit Order. "They poisoned him and

I am 100 per cent sure of that," said the widow of the late high level Jesuit priest,

Fr. Alberto Rivera, killed in the early 1990's after defecting from Vatican treachery

and trying to tell the truth about the real intentions and satanic practices of the

Jesuit Order. Fr. Rivera became a Jesuit priest, worked in the Vatican and eventually

assigned the deceptive job of infiltrating U.S Christian churches with the intent to

destroy Protestant pastors while controlling doctrine favorable to Rome.

"After my husband left the Church, found Jesus and decided to tell the world about

Vatican deception, the Jesuits did everything to keep him quiet and discredit him,"

said Ms. Rivera, who has been harassed, her life threatened and her house broken into

on many occasions by Vatican agents in order to steal her husband's documents and artifacts.

Read More

The Trance Formation

Cathy O'Brien was a victim of the United States government's MK ULTRA project. She was a mind controlled sex slave on a Whitehouse-Pentagon level. Mark Phillips helped her out of it and they have been exposing these demons ever since.

Excerpt from Trance-Formation of America by Cathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips

Dick Cheney, then White House Chief of Staff to President Ford, later Secretary of Defense to President George Bush, documented member of the Council on Foreign relations (CFR), and Presidential hopeful for 1996, was originally Wyoming's only Congressman. Dick Cheney was the reason my family had traveled to Wyoming where I endured yet another form of brutality -- his version of "A Most Dangerous Game," or human hunting.

Dick Cheney had an apparent addiction to the "thrill of the sport." He appeared obsessed with playing A Most Dangerous Game as a means of traumatizing mind control victims, as well as to satisfy his own perverse sexual kinks. My introduction to the game occurred upon arrival at the hunting lodge near Greybull, Wyoming, and it physically and psychologically devastated me. I was sufficiently traumatized for Cheney's programming, as I stood naked in his hunting lodge office after being hunted down and caught. Cheney was talking as he paced around me, "I could stuff you and mount you like a jackalope and call you a two legged dear. Or I could stuff you with this (he unzipped his pants to reveal his oversized penis) right down your throat, and then mount you. Which do you prefer?"


Interview with Cathy:

Interview with Mark:

Monday, February 26, 2007

This Blog...

Well...Where to start.

For those who know me, you know that I have some strong beliefs on how things work in the powers that be.

Many like to call "crazy" people like me who like information and like to know what's going on in the world.

Unfortunately, I know from experience that many people are too preocupied with their favorite hockey or football teams, their gambling or their Reality TV shows to care about what their government is up to. What they are too deep in to realize is that all of those things were designed for that very purpose in the first place and it is working very well, sadly.

There are also the people that love to know what's going on but put their entire trusts in the main-stream media for their information...The news papers(which in this city is mostly owned by Irving, an oil company) or the news on Television and when you try to explain to them that they are being lied to a thousand miles a minute, they tell you that you are a complete nut. How could my television or daily News Paper EVER lie to me?! They are my best friends!

Well in that case, I am afraid that there are alot of things you do not know.

I want to make it clear that I, in no way, profess to know everything.

Since I was a kid, I knew that a New World Order was comming. This is prophecised in the Bible and all Bible prophecies occured perfectly.

This lead me in my later years to try and understand this and find out what was going on behind the scenes.

My studies went up a notch after George W. Bush was elected, not by the people but by someone else more powerful.

And ofcourse, the 9/11 attacks got me even deeper in this study. Everyone should know by now that ALL the evidence of the 9/11 attacks show that this was IN FACT a controlled demolition that occured there...Not mentioning Bulding 7 that collapsed without any planes hitting it...As well as no plane hitting the pentagone and no trace of a plane either. To believe that jet fuel melted and entire plane out of existance is simply insane...No one seem to question why Mr. Georgy Junior immidiately blammed Osama Bin Laden for the attacks without ANY investigation what so ever. Anyway,I will not go into detail of why the official stories on 9/11 were absolute lies but I soon learned that 9/11 was in fact an inside job and there is no doubt about that. These self-inflicted wounds ultimtely resulted in a "War on Terrorism"...Troops were immidiately sent to Afganistan where oddly enough is where most of the poppy fields are, the very plant that cocain anf heroin is made out of. Soon after that, troops are sent to Irak to kill thousands upon thousands of INNOCENT Men, Women and Children and oddly enough again, to occupie the land that is most fertile in Oil. So in short, the 9/11 attacks created a reason for the government to send troops to gard the rwo biggest money sources for the government, oil and drugs and also to start taking al of the people's rights one at a time for reasons of "National Security", in other words, make the people so afraid that they will be willing to give up their very constitutionally protected rights in exchange for security.

Now this lead me into even more reseach that got me studying the Illuminati, Freemasons, etc.

To make a story short...All roads lead to Rome.

I now confidently have ZERO doubt that the Vatican is the Evil Power source behind governments. She is the great mother of whores described in the Book of Revelations...The horrible Beast described in the Book of Daniel.

Some people like to say that it doesn't matter...Ignorance is Bliss. Well I have a hard time understanding how someone can willingly want to be ignorant but I take this very personal. Most people don't know that a man by the name of Nokila Tesla who was probably more brilliant than Einstein in the 1940s invented the "Tesla Coil" and this made it possible for every one on earth to have FREE ENERGY FOREVER. Do you know what that means? ZERO electric bills forever, not a penny on heating your house ever again...NEVER paying another dime on gasoline! The atrociously EVIL government shut Tesla up and have been keeping this information suppressed from the people seeling you as caddle. This is personal for me because I have a hared time even paying my rent, let alone the electricity bills. A man in the 1990s invented a car that ran on water! He was naive and went to the government with his idea thinking that they were his friends. He was poisoned and never came back. This is VERY serious and it is VERY personal.

Where is this guy today? Where is our car that runs on water?!

In this blog, I will be exposing these evil devils, what their plans are for your futur, how they are doing it and how this fulfills the most important Bible Prophecies.

We live in a truely previledged time in History.

God Bless you.


P.S.For those who will just come here and foolishly and blindly call me nuts and crazy, I suggest you do serious homework before typing.